Automatically updated by Last updated: 06/19/2021, Has been updated for 212 days.
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πŸ”₯ Stars 🌐 Dependent Packages / Repos πŸ“ Last Commit / Release
  1. Ant Design πŸ”₯ 72.6k 🌐 217k / + 216,609 A UI Design Language and React UI library πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  2. Material-UI πŸ”₯ 69k 🌐 594k / + 593,659 Material-UI is a simple and customizable component library to build faster, beautiful, and more accessible React applications. Follow your own design system, or start with Material Design. πŸ“ 10 months ago / a year ago
  3. React-Bootstrap πŸ”₯ 19.6k 🌐 482k / + 481,538 Bootstrap components built with React πŸ“ 10 months ago / a year ago
  4. Chakra UI πŸ”₯ 19k 🌐 16.1k / + 16,076 Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  5. Blueprint πŸ”₯ 17.9k 🌐 8.9k / + 8,932 A React-based UI toolkit for the web πŸ“ 10 months ago / 4 years ago
  6. Semantic-UI-React πŸ”₯ 12.3k 🌐 119k / + 119,329 The official Semantic-UI-React integration πŸ“ a year ago / a year ago
  7. Fluent UI Web πŸ”₯ 11.6k 🌐 7.6k / + 7,601 Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications. πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  8. Evergreen πŸ”₯ 10.8k 🌐 2.2k / + 2,193 Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment πŸ“ a year ago / a year ago
  9. reactstrap πŸ”₯ 10k 🌐 211k / + 211,103 Simple React Bootstrap 4 components πŸ“ a year ago / a year ago
  10. Rebass πŸ”₯ 7.4k 🌐 9k / + 9,024 React primitive UI components built with styled-system. πŸ“ a year ago / 3 years ago
  11. Grommet πŸ”₯ 7.3k 🌐 6.5k / + 6,469 a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package πŸ“ 10 months ago / a year ago
  12. Base πŸ”₯ 6.5k 🌐 1.8k / + 1,805 A React Component library implementing the Base design language πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  13. rsuite πŸ”₯ 5.6k 🌐 3.4k / + 3,352 A suite of React components . πŸ“ 10 months ago / a year ago
  14. Reakit πŸ”₯ 4.8k 🌐 1.7k / + 1,679 Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React πŸ“ 10 months ago
  15. Elastic UI πŸ”₯ 2.9k 🌐 734 / + 726 Elastic UI Framework πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  16. PrimeReact πŸ”₯ 2.1k 🌐 5.5k / + 5,445 The Most Complete React UI Component Library πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  17. geist-org/react πŸ”₯ 1.8k 🌐 544 / + 536 Modern and minimalist React UI library. πŸ“ a year ago / a year ago
  18. Smooth UI πŸ”₯ 1.6k Modern React UI library πŸ“ 2 years ago / 2 years ago
  19. React-bulma-components πŸ”₯ 1.1k 🌐 3.1k / + 3,044 React components for Bulma framework πŸ“ 10 months ago / a year ago
  20. Bumbag-ui πŸ”₯ 854 🌐 100 / + 92 Build accessible & themeable React applications with your Bumbag πŸ“ 10 months ago / 10 months ago
  21. rbx πŸ”₯ 472 🌐 826 / + 818 rbx – The Comprehensive Bulma UI Framework for React πŸ“ 3 years ago / 3 years ago
  22. Tailwind React UI πŸ”₯ 231 🌐 89 / + 81 React utility component primitives & UI framework for use with Tailwind CSS πŸ“ 2 years ago / 3 years ago
  23. Tails-UI πŸ”₯ 167 🌐 15 / + 7 Clean UI based on tailwindcss πŸ“ 4 years ago
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